25cm f5.5 thin mirror


25 cm f5.5 thin mirror


  1. The borosilicate disc of 25 cm diameter and 2,5 cm thickness was bought from Stathis Kafalis in Munchen and       a curve belonging to a radius of about 140 cm was generated by Jilles Eindhoven in Haaksbergen.
  2. The backside of the disc was ground flat on a 40 cm flat glass porthole with carborundum 240,using W-strokes
  3. I made a grinding tool out of a plaster disc of 5 cm thickness(cast on the mirror,with a cardboard dam around) . I glued ceramic tiles(19x19x2 mm)   in a regular pattern on it, with a separation of ca 7 mm. For that I used 2-component polyurethane glue.


I worked on a heavy wooden stand (5 cm thick plywood i.e. a number of layers,glued together with polyurethane wood glue). Every turn around the table had 8 positions.Tool and mirror were turned quite often to prevent working too much in one position, what might result in astigmatism!

April 23, 2005
I used 1/3 W and straight stroke and C240 to get the tile tool fitting (tool on top). After that: 30 rounds with the same strokes with C400 .

April 24, 2005

C600 : 100 turns TOT (tool on top) ; I just went on with the grinding until a number of marked pits had disappeared.

May ,2005

C800 : 3-5 turns per wet : did about 80 rounds with the 1/3 W and straight strokes,

C1200 : 62 turns: surface OK


August 2005

First I used a 20 cm pitchlap that happened to lie around to do the first polishing.

After 3 ¼ hours the reflection of a strong lamp was weak in the central 16 cm but outside that area very strong!

I made a 25 cm pitchlap on a precurved plaster tool of 5 cm thickness. This disc was cast on the  mirror.

First 1.5 hour MOT (mirror on top) after that only TOT.

After 131/4 hr polishing (total time) with cerium oxide suspension the edge still shows a weak reflection.
Total time: forgotten to write down….



1.   25 CM tool with 3×3 cm pitch squaresBefore every session the mirror is put on the pitchlap with cerium oxide suspension (with a bit dishwashing agent) and cold pressed for at least 30 min (2 kg weight)

MOT 1/3 W stroke : 10 min

½ W             : 2x 10 min


Radius = 283.5 cmRonchi : weak bulge

No TDE (turned down edge)

  1. 5 x 1 turn 2/3W MOT with Zirconiumoxyd polishing powder.

This zirconiumoxyde should be gentler than ceriumoxyde.

I did a cold press of several minutes between the turns ( 8 different positions per turn)

I had a lot of that stuff but the polishing went jerky

Ronchi: large central hole (5 cm diameter)!
3. I scratched the central pitchtiles a bit deeper to get less action there.MOT 1/3 W stroke 15 min Central hole still present
4. MOT 1/3-1/2 W narrow Ronchi :Hole less deep. Parabola becoming visible



I use a cardboard zone mask and import the measured values in Figure XP program, found on Internet.

Step 5

I scratched away a little smaller central area of the pitch

MOT 1/3-1/2 W (narrow) : 10 min

Ronchi: small central hole, makes Foucault meas. difficult in that place.

Zone meas. 0 0,1 0,46 1,26 1,90 mm
Parabola 0 0,67 1,24 1,81 2,36


Step 6

Pitch squares are made narrower ,going from center to edge( tapered pitch lap)
MOT 1/3 W and straight stroke
Ronchil : still small hole in center.

Zone meas. 0 0.26 0.42 0.94 1.40
Parabola 0 0,67 1,24 1,81 2,36



Step 7
MOT 2/3 W 10 min
Jerky movements. The pitch tiles are smooth now, and according to my experience polishing never goes well then.

Ronchi : small hole in center

Zone meas. ? 0 0.12 0.7 1.4 mm
Parabola 0 0,67 1,24 1,81 2,36

No good. Return to sphere .Done by TOT and 20 min ¼ narrow W and straight stroke.


Step 1

Use Zirconium oxyde polishing powder( have a lot of it).

MOT   :2/3 W 4 x 2 turns around. Pressing after 2 turns .8 positions per turn around

Result: light bulge in Ronchi-lines

Step 2

MOT 2/3 W 6x 1 turn around

Result: same; surface a bit blotchy

Step 3

I scratched the pitchtiles and use Ceri-Hex ceriumoxyde suspension in stead of ZrO
Zirconium oxyd doesn’t work well
MOT   2/3 W   5 x1 turn around


Meas. 0 0.15 0.62 1.05 1.40 mm
Parabola 0 0.67 1.24 1.81 2.36 mm

Center too flat

Step 4

More work on center: make outer pitch squares narrower and make the W-stroke farther from the center.

MOT 2/3 W 4x 1 turn around


Meas. 0 0.29 0.91 1.44 1.91mm
Parabola 0 0.67 1.24 1.81 2.36

Center too flat

Step 5
a.TOT :work with edge of the tool on central area(diam 6 cm) with W-stroke.2 turns around
b. MOT : ½ W stroke : 1 turn around



Meas. 0 0.17 0.84 1.43 1.87mm
Parabola 0 0.67 1.24 1.81 2.36

No success

Step 6

MOT : ¾ – 4/5 W   2 x 1 turn around;   the stroke is concentrated more on the edge of the tool

Result ( average of 3 meas.)

Meas. 0 0.58 1.48 2.14 2.53
Parabola 0 0.67 1.24 1.81 2.36


This was too much! Correction too great. PV 1/3,5 lambda

Step 7

Try to decrease correction

MOT :1/3 narrow W-stroke 2 turns around.


Meas. 0 0.71 1.47 2.03 2.61
Parabola 0 0.67 1.24 1.81 2.36

No success.

Step 8

TOT : 1/3 W stroke 1 turn around


Average of 2 meas.

Meas. 0 0.65 1.43 1.80 2.37
Parabola 0 0.67 1.24 1.81 2.36


P-V 1/13 lambda Strehl =0,978   ; no TDE   Finished for me.

Measured Radius central zone: 2824 mm